Fill That Bucket Friends!
I was struggling a little last night and ran across this old Facebook post from 2017. Everytime I read it, it speaks to me. Hoping that some momma somewhere needs some encouragement today as we head into this weekend.
Here goes…
My little informed me tonight that I was a bucket dipper. I was dipping out all her happiness.
You know what? She is probably right.
I imagine I’ve dipped out a lot of people’s happiness today. Not that I set out to do it but it kinda just happened.
It is often easier to be negative than to be positive.
It’s easier to commiserate with others sometime instead of putting on your big girl panties and spreading a little joy.
I always thought some old people were miserable and cranky but the truth is they have put up with so much ignorance and BS in their life they finally are comfortable enough to call it like they see it.
I get it. I get it.
That doesn’t make it ok.
As we get older…we become wiser.
We’ve experienced so many bucket dippers in our own life we should try to make things better for those coming behind us.
We know what it’s like to be treated unfair or unkind and we remember how unhappy it made us feel.
Tomorrow I vow to become a bucket filler.
To spread joy and love. To be cheerful and positive. To be happy and to fill the buckets of those around me full.
I’ll stay away from gossip and refuse to roll around in the negative.
I’ll be a better friend, wife and mother.
I’ll be a better me.
Choose happiness! Choose joy!
Fill those buckets up friends.